How Family Planning Can Benefit You When the Time Is Right

Family planning is an important aspect of controlling your life and your future. When to have children and how many are two of the most obvious questions as you look forward, and your consideration now often helps you deal with changing life circumstances along the way.
At Eve Medical of Miami, we encourage you to be proactive with your own personal family planning strategy. Even when situations change, the time you put into understanding your personal needs and preferences serves you both now and looking forward. We’re here to help you with care, information, and support as those needs arise.
Family planning services
As you consider life goals and the role family plays in your future, it’s helpful to decide what your goals are in general and what family planning has to offer you. Family planning services extend far beyond the questions of when and how many.
Some people wish to delay pregnancies for health or economic reasons, while others could be more concerned with preventing late pregnancies. Still others need help with pregnancy preparation or with fertility when conception is difficult.
Family planning is therefore a multifaceted concept, covering plenty of ground. A list of typical family planning services includes topics such as:
- Reproductive health, including counseling and patient education
- Contraception education and services
- Pregnancy testing
- Infertility services
- Sexually transmitted infection (STI) services
- Women’s wellness care
Family planning is an active field that moves and adapts through your life. Goals and needs change, depending on factors such as finding the right partner, financial situations, education and career goals, and much more.
Understanding the scope of family planning
As well as the specific topics that family planning covers, there are broader goals to our services. Unintended pregnancies occur for a wide range of reasons, including mistimed and unwanted pregnancies, among others.
There are often negative consequences as a result. Family planning offers ways to avoid or minimize these consequences through awareness, education, and treatment.
Contraception is often thought of as a synonym of family planning. Although it’s an important part in terms of controlling wanted and unwanted pregnancies, family planning also has elements that enable conception and potentially improve health conditions.
STI awareness and treatment is a key part of family planning, since testing can pinpoint treatable infections. Some STIs can be a hazard to both mother and baby, either when in the womb or transferred at birth. Even when a woman delays conception, STI testing and treatment helps to maintain fertility.
When it comes down to it, family planning can be as individual as you are. Find out more by contacting Eve Medical of Miami, by phone or online, today.
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