What to Expect From Your Anatomy Scan

The anatomy scan is an exciting pregnancy milestone. This detailed ultrasound lets you (and us) see the development of your growing baby. Usually performed between 18 and 22 weeks, this can be an emotional experience because it’s the first time you can visualize your baby. 

At Eve Medical of Miami, in Miami, Florida, our expert team helps you feel comfortable and answers your questions during your anatomy scan

The purpose of the anatomy scan

Sometimes called a Level-2 or twenty-week ultrasound, this is an exciting moment because you’ll see how your baby is developing. You might see your baby’s heartbeat, fingers, and toes and even see your baby dance inside your belly! 

We check your baby’s heartbeat and measure the baby’s organs, limbs, spine, head, and other features. We check the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby and the placenta.  All are clues to your baby’s health and, sometimes, your baby’s future appearance. For example, if your baby’s legs measure longer than the torso, you may have a future track star!

We can also screen for potential genetic concerns and let you know the gender (if you want to know). 

During the anatomy scan

We schedule the anatomy scan around your twentieth week of pregnancy. We usually ask you to drink water so you have a full bladder. That helps make the images clearer. 

You’ll lie on a table with your tummy exposed. One of our medical experts will apply gel to your belly. Next, they will rub a device called a transducer over your gelled belly. The device captures internal sound waves and turns them into the images on the monitor. 

Throughout the ultrasound, we take still images and send you home with one or two to share with your friends and family. Ultrasounds are safe and gentle ways of monitoring your baby’s development and the health of your pregnancy. You can ask questions at any time. 

What happens after the anatomy scan 

For many new parents, the anatomy scan is an emotional time. The pregnancy becomes more “real,” and you feel more connected with your baby. It’s a joyful time for many.  Immediately after the anatomy scan, you may meet with your obstetrician and review the ultrasound. You’ll leave your appointment knowing much more about the life you’re bringing into the world. 

Occasionally, we request further monitoring in case we need more information. We guide your pregnancy journey and answer your questions at every step.  

Eve Medical of Miami’s expert team looks forward to helping you. You can make an appointment here.

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